Parent and Toddlers

blue background parent & toddler group with handprints.png

Join us on Friday afternoons in term time,
in the Youth Centre, 1.30-3pm.

The plan for Spring will come soon but the Autumn leaflet will give you an idea of what we get up to!

For information please email:

It costs just £2 per family group, which covers the cost of craft materials and allows us to continue our child sponsorship through Compassion. (We have a cashless system using card, iPay or Google Pay.)

Sharon Maycock Prime on
Jean Miller on

for further information.

There is some free on-street parking or you can park in Laleham Village Car Park (payment using the Ringo App). You will need a free ticket to cover the first hour, and payment is needed for longer stays. The council make regular checks, so don’t forget to get a ticket!

We offer a programme of different activities throughout the term and these include craft, toys, refreshments & singing.

All parents and carers of pre-school children are welcome and we hope that you will find a warm welcome and a chat, while supervising your little ones.

Some weeks we offer messy activities, such as painting and sticking and, although we provide aprons on these days, it is advisable to dress your child in appropriate clothing.

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