youth Weekend Away 2025
27th - 29TH JUNE
Oakwood Youth Challenge Centre
A Youth Weekend Away for years 7-13, with friends from
All Saints' Laleham, Staines Congregational Church and Ashford Congregational Church.
We'll be heading away for a weekend in the summer, 27th - 29th June.
The cost is £140 (reduced to £120 for subsequent siblings).
There are bursary funds available for anyone who needs financial assistance,
please speak to your youth leader for more information.
What to expect:
A fun & exciting weekend!
Instructor led activities
Games & sports
Optional crafts
Bible teaching with visiting speaker Inha Park, Youth Worker at Lyonsdown Church in North London.
What to bring:
A Bible and pen (a physical, not electronic, version please)
Bedding (sleeping bag/duvet and pillow)*
Wash kit
Waterproof jacket
Rough clothes for activities
Trainers for activities
An activity to occupy yourself if you wake early - eg. puzzle, colouring or reading book, magazine, Rubik cube etc
Feel free to bring a mobile phone, but please leave other valuable items at home. Your mobile will be handed in to the leaders at bedtime and returned to you during breakfast.
*If you're in an older year, the accommodation is (very nice) fixed tents, which can be quite chilly overnight, so thick PJs, socks & warm sleeping bags/duvets are suggested!
What to do:
To sign up, just click ‘Book Now’ below and complete the form - one for each child.
Booking closes at the end of March.Pay a deposit: £30 per child, with full payment by the end of May.
Pay in full: £140 for the first (or only) child / £120 for subsequent siblings.
Meeting and travel arrangements will be confirmed nearer the time.
If you've got any questions, do feel free to contact or contact us.

The 'Pay Balance' links are only for use by those who have already paid a deposit and secured a place.
If you are still hoping to book a space for your child, or if you have any other questions, please contact Sarah direct: