A 5 Week Course about Following Jesus - for Lent 2025
This Lent, we want to consider our lives as followers of Jesus, using the framework of the book and Course ‘Practicing the Way’ by John Mark Comer. It invites us to see ourselves as apprentices of Jesus: following him, listening to him, learning from him, so as to become more like him.
We’ll be introduced to the ancient framework of a ‘Rule of Life’:
“A Rule of Life is a schedule and set of practices and relationship rhythms that create space for us to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did… Put simply, it is a plan to follow Jesus.”
(John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way, p161.)
The word “Rule” might sound strict or constraining, but it comes from the idea of a trellis in a vineyard. The Christian life is one of bearing fruit as we abide in the vine, Jesus (see John 15:1-8). But a rule (or ‘trellis’) can be a helpful support for us, as we week to organise our lives around him.
We’ll see 9 Practices that Christians have found helpful over the ages, and you’re invited to consider 4 or 5 and how they might be a help to you.
This course is intended to be done in small groups over the 5 weeks of Lent. If you’re not in small group, you can visit a homegroup or join one of the new Lent groups that are running - just fill in the form below to find out more.
Starting 9th of March, we’ll have 5 Sunday sermons plus Midweek discussion groups. If you’re not already part of a homegroup, you can sign up to one of 3 new groups for this course, or visit one of the homegroups already running.
Who is it for?
Anyone - we want the whole church community to take part. So whether you’re far along the Christian journey or just setting out, you’re encouraged to join one of the groups.
What will we do?
Each week there’ll be one or two videos that you’ll watch together and then discuss. It’ll be very informal with opportunity to ask questions and share opinions without judgement. Or you can just stay quiet and listen. You won’t be asked to read the Bible or pray, unless you’d like to.
The Zoom groups will last about an hour, the in person groups longer.
Let us know if you'd like to be find out more and someone will be in touch.