Registration Form
There are lots of good reasons to let us know who you are:
So that we can keep in touch and send you our weekly news letter about what’s going on.
To give consent for your children to take part in our Sunday School and other activities.
So that you can access My ChurchSuite, where we organise our Rotas, sign up for Events and keep our Church Directory.
Once you’ve filled out the online form, someone from the office will review your details and, if appropriate, send you an invite to My ChurchSuite. Your details will be stored on our ChurchSuite database.
If you’d like to receive the Church News email every Friday, please simply tick to Receive general emails at the end of the form.
You can register your whole family on one form - for example, you can add a spouse by selecting ‘Married’ as your Marital Status.
If you need to add any further, additional information, please fill in this form and then email
N.B. Please don’t use this form to update your details - please contact to find out how to log in to MyChurchSuite.
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